Dr. Hartmark-Hill is a Mayo Clinic trained Family Medicine Physician, medical educator and patient advocate. She is passionate about health equity health policy advocacy, innovations in medical education and and empowering the next generation of health professions leaders. An Associate Professor in the Department of Bioethics and Medical Humanism and an Associate Professor in the Department of Family, Community and Preventive Medicine, Dr. Hartmark-Hill directs several curricular programs, including the "Patient-Centered Care Curriculum" at the College. Dr. Hartmark-Hill is the Director of the UA Academic Medicine Fellowship, which trains faculty leaders to become exemplary clinical educators and scholars. She serves as the Chair of the Faculty Development Delivered program of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine and is the past Chair of the STFM Faculty Development Collaborative. Dr. Hartmark-Hill has received numerous award for her teaching and service, including the "Excellence in Education" award from the Maricopa County Medical Society and the "Gold Humanism Honor Society" faculty award from the Class of 2021 at The University of Arizona College of Medicine. Dr. Hartmark-Hill is a past President of the Arizona Medical Association and has served as an Arizona delegation member to the American Medical Association. Previous leadership roles have also included Medical Director for the NAU Physician Assistant Program, Medical Director for the S.H.O.W. Community Health Initiative, board member of the Maricopa County Medical Society (MCMS) and board member for Southwest Behavioral and Health. She served as the inaugural medical director for Street Medicine Phoenix, and continues to provides volunteer patient care for people experiencing homelessness as well as student volunteer mentorship.
American Academy of Family Physicians
American College of Physicians
American College of Physicians, Arizona Chapter
Arizona Academy of Family Physicians
Arizona Medical Association
Arizona Public Health Association
Arizona Women in Healthcare
Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Women in Medicine and Science
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
The International Society for the Study of Narrative
Transformative Language Arts Network
University of Arizona Alumni Association
World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians